Intermittent Generation Availability

API Reference
Postman Collection

Getting Started

About the API

Australian Wind Energy Forecasting System (AWEFS) and the Australian Solar Energy Forecasting System (ASEFS) were established in response to the growth in intermittent generation and the increasing impact this growth has on the forecasting process. AEMO uses AWEFS and ASEFS to produce unconstrained intermittent generation forecasts for all semi-scheduled and significant non-scheduled wind and solar generating units in the NEM. The Intermittent Generation APIs allow authorised participants to submit PD/STPASA and MTPASA availability data.

Getting Access

To access the Intermittent Generation Availability API, participants will require a TLS certificate and the appropriate user rights access granted to that Participant User.

Participant Administrators (PAs) authorise Participant User access in MSATS. The initial PA is set up by the AEMO system administrator as part of the registration process.

The MSATS entity required for Intermittent Generation Availability API access is:

  • MMS_AVAILABILITY: EMMS - Intermittent Generation - Availability

During formal onboarding, you will first be given access to Pre-Production and must complete your development/testing there prior to getting access to Production.

API Details

Authentication Methods

This API is using the following Security Policies:

Note: The TLS certificates used to access Pre-Production are different from those used to access Production.


Below are the base URLs used for this API:


Base URL

Data Type

Pre-Production Internet Entry

Test Data

Pre-Production MarketNet Entry

Test Data

Production Internet Entry

Live Data

Production MarketNet Entry

Live Data


Paths, Headers, Request Body and Responses can be found in the API Reference (OpenAPI Spec).