Wem Attributes Report

API Reference
Postman Collection
Swagger File
Swagger file link

Getting started

About the Wem Attributes Report API

This report is available via RESTful web services and can be accessed using HTTP GET requests. All data returned is in JSON format. The report in WEMS MPI will no longer be available.

This report can request the market parameter values on current trade date as well as for a specific trade date. Please note that you must not be logged into the MPI while making the requests.

Navigating this reference 

This page contains overview information for the API. Read on for general details on how to use the API. 

The icons at the top of the page link to the following, more detailed information sources:  

  • The API Reference describes the paths, headers, request body and responses for each of the endpoints in the API. 

  • The Postman Collection contains examples of code that you can use in your testing. 

  • The Swagger File shows the latest version of the swagger file for the API. 

API status 

Ready. The design is ready for participants to use. 

Non-functional requirements 

The following provisional non-functional requirements (NFR) are relevant to the project. These will be revised in subsequent versions of this document following consultation with the MPs. 

Request/response payload required limits 

For all APIs, there is an enforced 10 MB max limit. 

Certificate-based throttling  

A single participant is restricted to accessing 50 calls every minute, with a total of 200 calls in five minutes.

API details

Base URLs

Below are the base URLs used for this API:



Coordinated Market Trial (RFM)




