Getting Started
About the API
BlindUpdateTool APIs are used by participants to submit Blind Update Tool (BUT) csv submissions to perform blind updates to CATS Standing Data fields without the generation of CATS Notifications.
The BUT performs blind updates by taking the current record and overwriting NMI Standing Data records. The creation and maintenance dates remain unchanged.
BUT does not:
· Send notifications to participants.
· Create new records.
Before uploading or submitting, you must:
· Have a Participant ID.
· Have a user ID and password with BUT access rights provided by your company's participant administrator.
· Understand the MSATS procedures > Provision and maintenance of CATS Standing Data.
· Create csv Payload with their Blind Update Submissions following AEMO’s CSV Data Format Standard.
· Test your submission in the pre-production environment interface before submitting to production. AEMO encourages participants to use the pre-production environment to test procedures and train staff.
Getting Access
To use BlindUpdateTool APIs Participants must:
1. Be a Registered Participant with a Participant ID.
2. Have an MSATS user ID with the required Participant User Rights Management (URM) entities granted to it by a participant administrator.
3. Register with AEMO to use APIs.
Build the APIs needing implementation at the Participant API Gateway according to the specifications in the MSATS 47.2 Technical Specification.
During formal onboarding, you will first be given access to Preproduction and must complete your development/testing there prior to getting access to Production.
External Docs
Below are a list of external links for additional context to the API or Program:
API Details
Authentication Methods
This API is using the following Security Policies:
Note: The TLS certificates used to access Pre-Production are different from those used to access Production.
Base URLs
Below are the base URLs used for this API:
Base URL
Data Type
Test-Data (snapshot of production)
MarketNet Entry Pre-Production
Test-Data (snapshot of production)
Live Data
MarketNet Entry Production
Live Data
Paths, Headers, Request Body and Responses can be found in the API Reference (OpenAPI Spec).