Submissions and Reports
Submissions and Reports
The Market Participant Interface (MPI) offers STEM and Bilateral related reports for the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) through web pages. Notifications are visible in the Market Messages display when new report information is available for download (for a limited selection of reports). Each report can be retrieved as a CSV or an XML file download from the associated MPI display.
Reports are available via web services, where Market Participants can send a request which is delivered using the standard web service protocol SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol).
With the integration of APIM, DigiCert certificates need to be requested from the WA Energy Market Management team (wa.operations@aemo.com.au) and used in conjunction with new APIM endpoints.
Base URLs
The base URLs used for this API are included below:
Base URL
Certificate Type
MKT (Preproduction)
Summary of existing STEM and Bilateral related reports and their ‘fate’ moving into the SCED Market
Continue (new data): Reports will continue as per normal post-NWCD
Continue (content change): The payload or structure of the report has changed post-NWCD
Web Service
Report Fate
STEM and Bilateral Reports
Bilateral Contract Standing Data Conversion
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getBilateralStndConvReportRequest
continue (new data)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
Bilateral Submissions
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getBilatSubmissionReportRequest
continue (content change)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
Final Bilateral Consumer Information
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getFinalBiltConsInfoReportResponse
continue (content change)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
Final Net Bilateral Position
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getNetContractPosReportRequest
continue (content change)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
Load Forecast vs Bilateral Contracts
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getLoadFcstBiltReportRequest
continue (content change)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
Standing STEM Submission Curtailment
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getStdStemSubmissionCurtInfoReportRequest
continue (content change)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
STEM Bids and Offers
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getSTEMBidsOffersReportRequest
continue (new data)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
STEM Facility Declaration
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getSTEMFacilityInfoReportRequest
continue (content change)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
STEM Facility Limits
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getFacilityLimitReportRequest
continue (content change)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
STEM Participant Limits
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getPartLimitReportRequest
continue (content change)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
STEM Portfolio Curve
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getSTEMPortfolioCurveReportRequest
continue (new data)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
STEM Standing Data Conversion
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getStemStndConvReportRequest
continue (content change)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
STEM Summary Info
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getSTEMSummaryInfoReportRequest
continue (new data)
STEM and Bilateral Reports
STEM Trade Results
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getSTEMResultsPartInfoReportRequest
continue (new data)
Market Reports
All STEM Bids and Offers Report
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getPUBStemBidsOfferReportRequest
continue (new data)
Market Reports
All STEM Facility Declarations Report
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getPUBStemFacilityInfoReportRequest
continue (content change)
Market Reports
All STEM Trades Report
<BaseURL>reports/v7.1?wsdl getPUBStemResultsPartInfoReportRequest
continue (new data)
STEM and Bilateral Submission
continue (content change)