Reserve Capacity Mechanism
Getting started
About Reserve Capacity Mechanism (RCM) API
The Reserve Capacity Mechanism (RCM) ensures the SWIS has sufficient available capacity to meet the peak demand. AEMO is responsible for assessing the capability of new or existing facilities to provide capacity.
The RCM Operations application provides functionality related to the RCM, including Certified Reserve Capacity applications, Non-Temperature Dependent Load applications, Individual Reserve Capacity Requirements, and Capacity Credit Allocations.
Participants can interact with the RCM Operations application through the RCM Operations API and use features include importing/creating, updating and publishing RCM limit advice and constraint equations in bulk.
For support, contact: AEMO RCM Team
Navigating this reference
This page contains overview information for the API. Read on for general details on how to use the API.
The icons at the top of the page link to the following, more detailed information sources:
The API Reference describes the paths, headers, request body and responses for each of the endpoints in the API.
The Postman Collection contains examples of code that you can use in your testing.
The Swagger File shows the latest version of the swagger file for that API.
API status
Ready. The design is ready for participants to use.
Assumed knowledge
API and JSON or YAML basics.
Before you can use the RCM API you must:
Have a Participant ID and Facility Code. If your company is a Registered Participant, your ID is set up during the registration process
Have a DigiCert TLS certificate.
For more information, see the Reformer page Accessing our test environments.
External documents
To be included in a future release.
Non-functional requirements
The following provisional non-functional requirements (NFR) are relevant to the project. These will be revised in subsequent versions of this document following consultation with the MPs.
Request/response payload required limits
For all APIs, there is an enforced 10 MB max limit
Certificate-based throttling
A single participant is restricted to accessing 50 calls every minute, with a total of 200 calls in five minutes.
API details
Authentication methods
The RCM API uses the DigiCert TLS certificate authentication method.
Base URLs
The base URLs used for this API are as follows:
Market Trial